Customer success story with AWC Exploration Services

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AWC Digital Exploration Services is a consulting company that, for more than ten years, has been providing GIS services to mining and exploration companies, having worked on projects for multiple mineral exploration, such as gold, copper, silver, lead, zinc, and the usually associated minerals. 

AWC has been involved in developing successful mineral exploration projects around North and South America, including British Columbia and Yukon, Canada, Nevada, the U.S., and Guyana. 

The company has used Discover for ArcGIS Pro, one of the Datamine Exploration products, for over a year. The software brings all the Exploration-focused tools from Discover to an Enterprise platform.

Incorporated in the industry-leading ArcGIS Pro, Discover assists exploration professionals in their daily activities, from data conversion and map making to fieldwork.


AWC identified challenges with their existing software, so the team decided to look for other options in the market. “I was using another product since 2007, but after trialing Discover for ArcGIS Pro it was a clear that I should change over,” said Allan.


I chose Discover because many of the program’s functions, tools,
and GIS products were similar to that of the previous software I
used. Discover allowed me to continue to produce GIS products that
my clients were familiar with and to continue producing the best
quality products with minimal impact to my workflow.

Allan Jacobs

Built as a plugin to ArcGIS Pro, Discover is a comprehensive package for the importation, centralisation and analysis of geosciences data, whether you are conducting mineral exploration, or environmental assessments. With Discover, you can import numerous geoscience specific data types, create cartographic quality drillhole plans and sections, as well as view all your data in 3D.

ArcGIS Pro has the unique ability to switch seamlessly from 2D to 3D GIS environments. You also have the flexibility to web share all of your 2D and 3D scenes to members within your organisation or the general public. 

“The Datamine team approached me and after a presentation and a trial run, I realized that Datamine’s Discover for ArcGIS Pro had many similarities to the previous program that I was familiar with while running smoothing in the ArcGIS Pro interface. The Datamine team was very supportive in helping me during the evaluation and purchasing period, making me feel very confident about this business decision, “ says Allan.


“The Datamine team is very supportive and responsive and are always there to answer my questions. I have had nothing but the best experience with the Datamine team.“

Allan Jacobs

By using Discover for ArcGIS Pro, the AWC team now gets real benefits, increased efficiency, and saves time.“I am definitely saving time, which is of great value to me because in my business every request always comes with an urgent status. The straightforward use of the program with the clear and familiar interface helps me immensely with producing excellent quality GIS products for my customers. “ Allan explains.

The company now has the benefit of continuing to make very similar products with a solution that integrates other data types like shapefile easily. 

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