Meet The Team: Sarah Smith

Sarah Smith, CEO of Scenario. Datamine Software.

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Meet Sarah Smith has recently joined our team as the CEO of Scenario which was acquired by Datamine in 2022. She has more than 22 years of experience in implementing Project & Enterprise-wide solutions, specifically for companies delivering world-class mining, property development, infrastructure, and energy projects.

Get to know Sarah a little better through the interview below:

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Born, raised, and residing in Brisbane, I am a true ‘Queenslander’ with a love for Australian weather, beaches, and all things outdoors. I have a passion for travel therefore my trips are always planned in advance. Whether it be walking, swimming, or with a cricket bat, I feel happier when it’s beside the ocean.

I started working at Scenario whilst I was studying for a Bachelor of Information Technology at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). It feels impossible, but I have been working with Scenario for 22 years. My journey has always been interesting, definitely challenging, and even changing.

I worked in Quality Assurance roles, moved into Consultancy, and then Management. Through these roles, I have been very fortunate to travel extensively and work on Client Projects domestically and internationally across Mining, Power, Infrastructure, and Property Development.

What inspired your career in this industry?

To be honest, I really just fell into it. This company happened to be a Software Solutions provider to a number of industries, one of them being Mining. After a couple of years, I changed my University course to align with the opportunity I was being given in the Information Technology space.

I was blessed with good luck to be thrown into the deep end and took on one of their Mining products that needed some renewed focus. The next thing I knew I was on site, and spent the next decade driving around most Mines in QLD & NSW – and then 22 years later I am still here!

What are your best memories from your career?

The people I have been able to meet, work beside and get to know. Whether it be my fellow Team Members, our Clients & Users, or my wider industry peers. I have been very lucky in learning from a lot of fantastic people along the way.

What’s a fun fact about you?

When I first started at University, I was intent on becoming an Archeologist. The job opportunity at Scenario helped me to change that path.

Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn here.

For more information or to connect with our team, make sure to send us an enquiry.

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