New Release: Minemax Scheduler 7.4.0 with Process Categories and Visualisation Enhancements

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Datamine is pleased to announce the release of Minemax Scheduler 7.4.0 with Process Categories and new 3D Visualisation features.

Designed to increase planning efficiency, improvements also include expanded options for display and reporting of schedule information, more configurability to the importing workflow, and new schedule exporting options.

Minemax CEO Joe Kraft said the updated release is a good step forward.

“We are excited to release a new version of Minemax Scheduler for comprehensive mine schedule optimization that will assist both power users and new starters with a range of practical new features and customization options,” Minemax CEO Joe Kraft said.

Watch below to find out how you can benefit from the new features introduced in Minemax Scheduler 7.4.0:

Following feature highlights:

Process Categories

This feature allows mine planners to create process categories so they can contextualise their processes and filter them in the UI.

For truck hours processes, users can now allocate all relevant component processes into the default trucking category during the model definition.

Once the schedule is generated, a new pre-defined truck hour report is available to quickly analyse the results in context.

3D Visualisation and Reporting

Improvements to the 3D visualisation and reporting allows users to display active, scheduled, or unscheduled benches as they review the progression in 3D.

Users can export individual period block boundaries for each of those options to dxf; defining active areas, completed areas, or end of period face positions for further analysis in an external design software.

importing workflow Improvements

Mine planners can now switch the import mappings UI between gridded and tabbed layout during the expression building and add comments to constants, variables, and model mappings, allowing embedded explanation of complex expressions.

New Original Coordinate Specifier

Users who conduct super-benching or model de-rotation during their import, can now use a new original coordinate specifier.

This feature enables the original block coordinates to be exported to the back-schedule report.

The new version is available now for all maintained and subscribed users through the Minemax Software Manager (MSM).

For more details on this new release, contact us here.

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