New product alert! – CCLAS EL Client Web Portal

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Datamine is excited to announce the newest public release of the CCLAS EL Client Web Portal!

The Client Web Portal is a web application that allows your internal or external clients to register samples via a website, track the progress of the samples and download analytical reports. Our aim with this new application is to provide your clients with a self-sufficient platform to register samples, check sample status and download results, giving you more time to focus on your laboratory analysis.

Feature Highlights

Register Samples via Webpage

Allows your clients to register samples on the web which can be automatically registered into CCLAS. The Client receives an email when the samples are successfully registered in CCLAS. And the laboratory gets a heads up prior to the samples arriving so they can schedule the work more efficiently.

Check Sample Status

Clients can check the status of samples in near real-time.

Download Reports

Clients can search for jobs and download reports.


CCLAS helps laboratories manage their samples and data more efficiently by automatically registering samples, printing barcode labels, capturing weights from balances, integrating with instruments, performing automatic calculations, creating reports and invoices and integrating with external systems. While having full auditability across the system.

Get in touch today to find out more.

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