Gain greater control over the project tree and conditional simulation densities in Supervisor 8.14.3

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Supervisor provides a range of univariate and multivariate data analysis tools that allow users to rapidly understand the characteristics of their orebody. Supervisor’s broad suite of components are an invaluable tool for resource estimation professionals and provide simple, intuitive interfaces for common and advanced geostatistical techniques alike. Utilising advanced local and global estimation optimisations allow users from all ends of the resource industry to manage their deposit with the highest level of confidence. The flexibility of Supervisor’s import and export features allow users to enjoy the benefits of a comprehensive, easy-to-use geostatistical package regardless of their preference of general mining software.

What’s new in Supervisor 8.14.3?

Tree Sorting

Users can now enjoy easy sorting of an already generated project tree. Simply use the right click menu on any component to sort all siblings alphabetically.

File Finder

Open the location of your files quickly and easily. Simply right-click the loaded data file and pick the option from the context menu.


Simulation Component

The simulation component has been updated to allow users more control over density values. Carry over the density values from the chosen block model or override the density on a domain-by-domain basis.


Reblocking for simulations is no longer automatic and can be toggled off in the reblocking tab. Save time and only generate the results you need.


KNA controls now allow cell generation with fixed X and Y dimensions. No more having to sift through results to test a set of regular cells.

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