Announcement: Datamine acquires Optiro and forms premier mining advisory firm Snowden Optiro

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We are thrilled to announce that Optiro has been acquired by Datamine and merged with Snowden to form the premier mining advisory firm, Snowden Optiro.

Optiro is a market leading advisory and mining consultancy services firm that provides strategic, independent advice to mining and exploration companies, their advisors and investors.

Snowden was acquired by Datamine in 2020 and provides advisory services, professional development training and software to the mining industry.

By combining the talent of some of the world’s leading mining experts, Snowden Optiro enables us to provide our customers with an expanded advisory and professional development offering across the globe and bring fresh ideas to our software.

Additional information can be found in our press release via the link below or at our new website

Read the full Press Release here.

If you have any further questions, please reach out to a member of our team at

Follow us on LinkedIn for further updates.

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