Reconcilor Users: 9.1.8 is here!

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Snowden is excited to announce the newest release of Reconcilor (9.1.8) with enhancements to the Blocks module feature and functionality which allows users to compare design, haulage and survey of a distinct grade block both graphically and with underlying material movements.

Feature Highlights

Blocks module feature and functionality

What is it?

Allows users to compare design, haulage and survey of a distinct grade block both graphically and with underlying material movements.

Who will use it?

Anyone interested in comparing model estimates against survey and haulage

What can you use it for?

The View Block screen will provide a complete overview of the attributes for one block, the model comparison data for that one block and the mining activity undertaken on that block. It is easy to identify if a block has been under or over depleted on the Mining Activity chart and table.

The Models listed in the Model Comparison table will include all available model types in Reconcilor. The total % of block for each model will always equal 100% but may be grouped by material type or lithology type. The Mining Activity section (chart and tables), allows a user to define if the haulage grouping is none (haulage will be displayed for each destination per day), end of month (one haulage total per calendar month) or survey period (one haulage total per survey month.

What problems will it highlight in your data?

By viewing the haulage tonnes alongside survey tonnes, it is easy to see if a block has been over depleted or has tonnes remaining on it.

Curious to learn more about Snowden’s Reconcilor? Visit the product page here or email us at 

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