Datamine establishes dedicated ESG business unit

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Datamine is pleased to announce it has established a dedicated Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) business unit focussed on the specific needs of the mining industry.

The new ESG business unit will bring together existing technologies and services under the leadership of Chris Parry, an experienced mining technology executive with a track record of delivering significant business value to mining enterprises.

Commenting on his appointment, Chris Parry said “I was impressed with the breadth of technology Datamine already has when comes to addressing the ESG needs for the mining industry. I look forward to working with Datamine’s global customer base to develop comprehensive ESG strategies underpinned by proven technologies.”

Some examples of Datamine’s ESG technology portfolio include;

  • Discover GIS solution for geochemical, water, erosion and vegetation modelling and management
  • Strategic planning tools to optimise extraction plans with minimum rehandle and intelligent waste dump design
  • Qmed for workforce health management, COVID testing and vaccine administration
  • Centric Mining Intelligence for real time transparency and governance across multiple sites and systems, including ESG KPI reporting

Beyond its technology suite, Datamine’s Snowden advisory division recently developed an In Pit Crushing and Conveying (IPCC) mining strategy for a customer that saved over 1 million tonnes of carbon emissions and $700M in cost savings.

Find out more about Datamine’s newest announcement and read more into CEO, Dylan Webb‘s thoughts in the full press release below.

Read the full Press Release here.

If you have any further questions, please reach out to a member of our team.

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