Meet the Team: Shaun Carr

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Meet Shaun –  He recently joined the Datamine team as a Principal Consultant in the North American office. Get to know him a little better through the interview below:

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I have very recently joined the Datamine team as a Principal Consultant in North America as of August 16th, 2021. However, I have been a MineScape user for nearly 10 years. 

I was born and raised in the State of Wyoming and grew up in the Powder River Basin.  Since a child, I have been a “rockhound.” I’ve always been fascinated by the rocks and landforms around my home state, recognized for its world-class geology. 

I never lost a passion for studying the earth and its processes. After working for 10 years in the telecommunications industry, I found my way to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology.

I truly get to do what I love for work!

What is it like to work at Datamine?

I have been overwhelmed by the kindness and experience of my coworkers!  What a wonderful group of people that have been assembled at Datamine. 

It is also neat to dive much deeper into the software than a typical user would.  Even with my experience of being a user of Datamine solutions, I now see parts of the software that I would otherwise not be exposed to. It’s been pretty interesting thus far.

What inspired your career in this industry?

Growing up in the Powder River Basin, where everything is somehow related to the mining industry, I suppose it was a natural progression after becoming a Geologist. 

What are some of the challenges you help your clients navigate during consulting sessions?
/ What are some of the challenges in your role?

Having worked exclusively in the coal industry, it has been exciting and a bit challenging to work on different types of mining projects.  There is always something new to learn.

What is the most satisfying aspect of your role / the work you do?

Watching the “Ah ha!” moment of a new user, when they figure out what inputs will produce the desired outputs.  Also, finding a solution to a problem for myself or a client is wonderful.

The computer modelling of deposits is also something I enjoy doing. Being able to use the software to produce complex geological models, essentially mimicking nature in the computer is amazing.

What are your best memories from your career?

I have worked with some great people over the years and created some relationships that I cherish. 

What’s a fun fact about you?

I am addicted to fly fishing.  My brother introduced me to it around 15 years ago, and I was “hooked.”  There is nothing more relaxing than standing on a river, being outside, and possibly catching a fish. 

I find that it’s more the act of fishing than actually catching the fish but don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty nice when you catch a few.  I tie my own flies, which is a great creative outlet, and my father builds fly rods for us to use.

Connect with Shaun on LinkedIn here. For more information or to connect with our team, make sure to send us an enquiry.

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