MineMarket 5.5.4 Product Release

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We are pleased to announce the release of MineMarket 5.5.4

In this latest development, users and organisations will benefit from improvements related to connectivity, security, performance, and user experience. With MineMarket 5.5.4 organisations can now selectively integrate via the latest ANSI/ISA-95 Enterprise-Control System Integration standard B2MML version 7. MineMarket 5.5.4 now includes encrypted communication between all MineMarket services and clients ensuring all data in protected in transit. MineMarket 5.5.4 continues to improve overall application performance, including client-side user experience improvements as well as service processing. 

MineMarket provides real-time enterprise visibility across the entire product and logistics process, from ore extraction to product delivery, and through to the fulfilment of contracts. MineMarket manages a range of scenarios to deal with ever-changing market conditions, to optimise contract fulfilment and revenues. MineMarket also provides comprehensive and integrated coverage of the logistics and sales processes for mining and mineral producers and commodity traders. 

Selected Highlights in this Update 


  • The online HTML5 version of the MineMarket documentation (https://docs.dataminesoftware.com/MineMarket/) includes enhanced search results with glossary terms and previews of screen descriptions. Search for a term and up to 3 matching glossary terms are prioritised above the regular search results. Each glossary term includes links to the most relevant content in the documentation. Matching screen descriptions display in a panel on the right.  


  • Many improvements contributing to faster processing of despatch orders and trades by the MineMarket Marketing Service. 
  • Improvements to the use of database indexes and how entries are added to the downstream register. 


  • All MineMarket installers, executables, and DLLs have been signed with Datamine’s digital signature. 
  • MineMarket is configured by default to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for encrypted communication between the MineMarket Service and all clients. 


  • Easier keyboard navigation in the property window and navigation pane. 
  • Enhanced control of rounding of primary and secondary currencies. 
  • Quicker selection of laboratory results in assay exchanges. 
  • More flexibility in pricing despatch orders that are being split. 
  • New functions in the Expression Editor for vessel deadweight and length of cargo area. 
  • Ability to create hedge positions for fractional market contract quantities. 
  • Email alerts if errors occur in hedge revaluation. 
  • Relative date parameters in billboards and reports. 

Release Support 

For information about MineMarket functionality and the roadmap, please contact Simon Williams  (simon.williams@dataminesoftware.com). 

Curious to learn more about MineMarket? Visit the product page here or reach out to the MineMarket team by emailing us at sales@dataminesoftware.com

Follow us on LinkedIn for more updates.

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