MineMarket Go-Live at IXM LATAM

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IXM is a metal trading house, part of the CMOC Group, with operations worldwide and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. MineMarket CTRM has been in various stages of rollout since 2020, first enabling their Cobalt and Niobium trading activities and in July 2021 adding the Zinc and Lead Refined books. From June 2023 IXM successfully incorporated their Latin American Lead and Zinc Concentrate flows onto the MineMarket CTRM, marking a significant milestone achievement for the solution.

The project has been an exceptional collaboration between our MineMarket team and IXM over multiple years, with this most recent success marking the end of the 2nd major deployment phase. Over 100 complex functionality requests have been delivered along with significant performance and scaling improvements to service 150+ simultaneous users around the world supporting operational management, trade flows, risk and metal accounting, running price recalculations, balancing P&L, and creating real-time reports.

Both teams are looking forward to defining the next phase of work to cover the remaining trading verticals and geographies in the IXM business plus long-term functionality and performance requirements. The gearing of the next phase will start as early as July 2023 when both teams will meet to build a clear roadmap to achieve deployment of the CTRM to support the remaining commodities and introduce further functionalities.

Need a CTRM solution for your business?

MineMarket CTRM helps commodity traders and mining companies realise value and mitigate risk across the value chain by providing a full line of sight from material to cash.

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