New Release – Quarter 3

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There were many new software releases across a broad range of our product portfolio including Studio Mapper, CCLAS, Photogrammetry, Snowden Supervisor, Studio EM, Studio RM, Studio OP, Studio Survey, Datablast, Studio UG, EPS, Aegis, Minemarket and Production Accounting.

We encourage you to upgrade to the latest versions to benefit from new functionality, improved workflows and faster performance.

CCLAS EL v3.0.2.1

This update introduces a lot of new features and improvements:

  • Licence: New application with .NET5 user interface
  • Menu: Upgraded to use .NET5 framework
  • Online Help: Enhanced with new look and feel

PixPro v1.5.3

The main story for this update is the ability to export 3D images directly to the Datamine proprietary format (.dm). There are other improvements and fixes

Studio EM v2.9

This update to Studio EM introduces useful new features and improvements and is recommended for all Studio EM users

Studio RM v1.10 & Studio RM Pro

Studio RM and Studio RM Pro v1.10 deliver improvements to implicit modelling functions, including a new tool, Create Contact Surface, to model the boundary between two groups of contiguous sample attribute values. Vein and categorical modelling tools are also improved in terms of function and performance. Advanced Estimation continues to evolve as well, with parameter file import and useful revisions to the Define Estimation panel.

Snowden Supervisor v8.14.2.3

Version 8.14.3 brings a number of component enhancements to Conditional Simulation, usability improvements for the project tree and quality-of-life improvements to the UI aspect of several components. These features are designed specifically to enhance the user experience when utilising the various components, provide simpler methods to achieve various tasks and overcome ‘clunkyness’ within existing processes.

Studio OP v2.10.200.0

This update includes bug fixes in response to the release of OP v2.10 and is a recommended update for all users of Studio OP.

Studio Survey v1.5

This update provides useful improvements including more flexible database file naming and independently reported cut & fill volumes in ROM reports. There are several other core system improvements too.

Studio UG v2.7

This update includes several improvements and fixes, including the new Interactive Ramp Tool and MSO dashboard. Other core system improvements are included. See below, and the attached release notes for more information.

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SOT v4.1.1697

This is a maintenance release provides new functionality, improvements and bug fixes to previously reported issues.

MineMarket 5.4.8

This release includes:

  • Simplified configuration of client logging
  • Sample date entry per laboratory
  • Enhanced sorting of search results in the Payment Explorer
  • Unique line items in trade profit and loss
  • Defect fixes

Production Accounting v1.12.1

This release includes:

  • NET Framework 4.8 as a system requirement
  • Improvements to the Transaction Service
  • Fault tolerance in WCF components
  • Improvements to the quarantine system
  • Improved security
  • Additional enhancements and defect fixes

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