Optimizing Processes in the Value Chain – Minsur S.A

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José Mamani – Senior Modelling Geologist & Estimation Minsur S.A: Graduated Geological Engineer, collegiate, with a diploma in Geometallurgy from the PUCP and Reservoir Geostatistics from the University of Chile. With more than 7 years of experience in mining, modelling and resource estimation.

How long have you been using Datamine solutions?

Currently, I have been working with Datamine solutions for over 5 years, specifically with Studio RM.  I have managed to do both modelling and resource estimation work through geostatistical methods.

How has the use of different solutions from the same company affected the routine of the mine?

Using Datamine software has definitely led us to great achievements, we have been able to develop various models within the division. Regarding the Pucamarca mining unit, it has helped us in the resource estimation work, since the geostatistical tools that Studio RM has are very good.

Block model within the Studio RM Pro interface
Geological interpretation of a vein

In the same way, it has also helped us in the reconciliation work where the models are measured, for example, long-term versus short-term. Likewise, the use of macros, the language that Studio RM works with, has helped us a lot in optimizing times. The work that was previously done in three to four hours, to date we have been doing it in thirty to forty minutes.

How do you rate the support provided during the integration of the licenses by Datamine?

Regarding the support provided by Datamine, the consultants, in this case leaded by Guiselle Valderrama, have always been available on time. We have had a lot of support from the team, they provide us with recommendations, new alternatives and new ideas to be able to achieve a certain job.

The support we have with Datamine is very good in all modules, from modelling, database, QA/QC to mine planning. We have not had any problems, they have always helped us and provided us with opportunities for improvement that we find along the way.

Modelling of a topographical
Variography within the Supervisor environment

How do users see having a range of solutions available from a single company?

Within the company, specifically in the Pucamarca mining unit, we have the GDMS, Studio RM and I am aware that other units in Minsur have different Datamine modules, both in exploration, operations and planning. Datamine has helped us a lot because we can have a rigorous control on the issue of entering samples with a respective validation. This allows us to trust all the data that enters the database that will later be used in modelling and estimation and will provide us with the economic value of the deposit of the mining company.

Statistical Correlation Plot (Scatter Plot) elaborated in the Supervisor geostatistical software

Would you recommend Datamine?

I would recommend solutions from Datamine to all the public, geology and mining professionals, since the tools they provide us are the most suitable for the entire mining process from the database, modelling, QA/QC, the issue of creating pits and zoning a certain deposit. We have available all this range of tools that can finally be translated into giving a good economic value to any process that we are working on.

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